A Warm Welcome

Author: Paul Xavier / Labels: , , , , , ,

Welcome to my new personal blog: Knight of Our Lady.

I've been thinking this over for a little while now, and I've finally decided that with the college years approaching, I would need a little more personal space to muse about the happenings in my life rather than the publicity of CatholicDiscussion. For those of you who don't know me, I go by the name of Paul Xavier, or even many a time, Master Paul Xavier.

CatholicDiscussion was originally a blog created to post my literary writings, and eventually, overtime, transformed into a Catholic Apologetics; which with the help of a few friends of mine who singed on as fellow writers, transformed into a Catholic Opinionated Public Debate.

Not to mention, I will be attending a secular college this Fall. Rhode Island College. So the experience should be quite interesting, considering my strong Catholic upbringing as a homeschooler. I will be thrust onto the battlefield with the world, her ideas, and morals. Of course I'll need a place to voisterously declare my thoughts on such issues, hence the reason for this blog. I plan on continuing my 'controversial' posts on Catholicism and the outside world, and intend on posting them here, as well as on CatholicDiscussion. Though the latter blog will most likely be seeing a period of 'hibernation.'

I hope you take the time to follow along on the adventure of my life! Take Care! And God Bless!